
Cornell University chose Cornerstone to provide a true enterprise system dedicated to promoting learning in a large, decentralized educational environment

Cornell University chose Cornerstone to provide a true enterprise system dedicated to promoting learning in a large, decentralized educational environment.

As a leading higher educational institution, Cornell University needed a way to promote learning for its own staff in a large, decentralized educational environment.

The team at Cornell initiated a comprehensive search for a new Learning Management platform, which included a review of 400 vendors and products. After shortlisting the field to 11 candidates and extensive demonstrations and customer interviews, Cornell chose Cornerstone.

Administrators were impressed with what they called a "robust system," but would users adapt to the new LMS?

After a thoughtful implementation, the team was pleased to see that its learning audience flocked to the new system and quickly began taking the training courses they needed. New employees were onboarded. Administrators now had access to new data beyond completion metrics so they could make strategic decisions.

Cornell's learning team said that Cornerstone's user interface won employees over with the platform's focus on learning and "one-stop shopping." No other websites or products are needed to complete training and onboarding. Cornerstone at Cornell University is a true enterprise system dedicated to promoting learning in a large, decentralized educational environment.

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Cornerstone Extended Enterprise


Cornerstone Extended Enterprise

In einer Arbeitswelt, die von ständigen Veränderungen geprägt ist, müssen Sie dynamisch und anpassungsfähig sein. Mehr denn je kommt es jetzt auf die Art und Weise an, wie Sie wichtige Stakeholder an den strategischen Zielsetzungen Ihres Unternehmens teilhaben lassen. Cornerstone Extended Enterprise ist flexibel und lässt sich individuell anpassen. Sie können damit Ihr Unternehmen skalieren und sicherstellen, dass Ihre externen Zielgruppen informiert sind und Ihre neuesten Angebote annehmen.

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